Thursday, 13 December 2012

Secret Gardens

I was recently given a load of garden books that had belonged to my mum. There are several interesting ones there that I'll review as I get through them, but the most eye-catching one for me was a book on the creation of private spaces within the garden called Secret Gardens that looks like it was published by an Australian magazine. How it found its way into my mum's collection I have no idea. I assume it was a charity shop find...

Anyhoo, reading through this book really got me thinking about things I'd love to do, but there is a limit to the amount I can or am prepared to do to my current space. As I've mentioned before, the house is rented and given how reluctant the landlord seems to be to spend money on it, I'm loathed to put too much into the garden.

One of the things I would like to do however is improve the amount of privacy from neighbours and blur the boundaries a bit. Our garden is very overlooked, so anything I can do to screen it off without worsening the shade situation will be welcomed. I already have a few shrubs and tree's that I'll be training to provide screening, and I've planted a few climbers. I've got a load more cuttings of clematis, honeysuckle and roses that should be ready for planting next year. Many of the plants and shrubs suggested in the book aren't really suitable for our climate, but it shouldn't be too hard to come up with more viable substitutions.

A lot of the ideas in the book that I'm not able to do revolved around hard landscaping. I loved the idea of creating hidden seating areas. Somewhere that I could go and sit in the sun without being able to see anything around me but plants really appeals, as does the winding path with the obscured destination. Whilst I can do a lot to my garden to disguise the boundaries and blot out the surrounding houses, there isn't anything I can do to prevent me being able to see our house at all times, which obviously rather destroys the impression of being away from civilisation that a lot of these gardens seek to convey. It's something that would be doable in my garden, but not without putting some serious money and effort into sorting out the drainage at the bottom end, and majorly decreasing the size of the lawn. I would have no problem with this latter part, as long as there was still room for the intrepid baby to play, but I suspect the letting agents would be none too pleased. So much I want to do. Roll on spring. Please!

On a related note, while looking for more info on the above mentioned book I came across the website of Secret Gardens Furniture who offer some of the nicest garden furniture and trellises I've ever seen. If only I had a few grand to blow on such things... Any offers?


  1. Book offer so many great ideas! Screens and sitting areas are great additions to any garden. Sounds like you have some work to do! Enjoy!

    1. The problem being that I see so many nice ideas in books that I'd need several gardens to try them all out on! Looking forward to being able to get out there and do the work. Thanks for your comment.

  2. It's amazing just how many ideas/inspiration we can pick up - whether it be from books, walking past beautiful gardens, visiting open gardens or the vast world of the internet. I've often wondered how different my garden would be if I didn't have to think about 'the budget'. That said - it probably wouldn't be half the fun, would it?
    Good luck with your plans come springtime.

    1. I agree. While it would be nice in some ways to be able to go out and buy a load of mature plants, bung them in and have instant cover, it wouldn't be anywhere near as interesting as propagating things yourself, whether from seed or buying one small plant and working from there.
      Thanks for visiting the blog.

  3. I think I read once that you are better off planting smaller plants anyway so they can take root and bed in, that way they will be stronger. Or growing your own strong seedlings.

    I got Laetitia Maklouf's A Garden In A Year for Christmas. I thought she would be too cutsy for me but the philosophy is about ignoring the landscaping and just getting on with growing those plants so I love it. I have a feeling it might be still a bit girly for male gardeners though!

    1. I've read that too. Just need to be patient enough for them to grow to size! I've read Laetitia Maklouf's first book. It was a bit on the girls side, but there are some nice ideas there, so may well look at this one too. Apologies for the tardy reply, pesky blogger didn't tell me I had a comment waiting!


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