Thursday, 19 July 2012


Just wanted to share this picture of my Poundland Irises. There's one in the previous post but since then more have come out. I'd forgotten I'd planted them, I wish I'd planted more of them, and I will be remedying this come next spring.


  1. Those irises are beautiful. A nice surprise to find something you don't remember to have planted. The same has happened to me.

    Satu from Finland

    1. Thanks, It was great to find them coming through!


  2. Hi Rob

    I found your gardening blog eventually after you left a comment on mine. I got a bit lost and went onto your other blog where I was wondering what we could possibly have in common. I was born in Middlesbrough so I thought perhaps we could join forces in finding perennial heartbreak in our respective football teams. Anyway, I'm on the right page at last!

    I originally thought in my ignorance these irises were actually called Iris 'Poundland' in the same way that you can get Iris Sibirica 'Silver Edge' or whatever. Now I realise you have christened them after their retail point. The results are brilliant. I never have much success getting anything cheap to grow and spend a fortune on plants, clearly you have green fingers.


    1. Hi Claire,

      Thanks for taking the trouble to find me! The other blog is on a fairly lengthy hiatus until I manage to rekindle some sort of enthusiasm for the subject matter...

      I tend to spend as little money as possible on plants as our house is rented and I'm loathed to spend too much money on it. I've had quite a lot of stuff come through, but some less impressive results too. I'm a sucker for poor lonely "Reduced to Clear" plants in supermarkets and garden centres and these tend to have a fairly low survival rate.

      Keep fighting the good (slimy) fight.



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